
Youtube Monetization !

What is YouTube monetization ? Well consider it like a YouTube partnership, but without alot of other abilities.
Imagine you have a famous video on your YouTube account, that earns thousands of views each day. Well you think it sucks cause your not a YouTube partner and you cant earn money with your videos. Fortunatly, Youtube created the Monetization program !

Basically, you earn money for every person who watches your video EVEN THOUGH you're not a partner ! Cool ? Maybe, but first you need a "Google Adsense" account, which gives you the possibility to earn a revenue with your videos and recieve your money. Without this adsense account you cant do YouTube Monetization :(

Im trying to get my Google adsense account approuved right now too. If you want a tip, a keyword that you have to remember, its "PATIENCE". Your account may take a while before its approuved by Google and dont forget that they are humans, not robots, so yeah be patient and DONT give up even though your first attempt failed (that doesn't mean you can spam though !)  :)

Hope it helped !

Adfly and Photoshop


Hello everyone !
So recently, a friend told me he started making his own money using adfly too. 
I asked him what he does and he told me it was very easy !
Basically he creates brushes for photoshop and shares them with everyone else on the net.
He uses adfly to shrink the download links and that way, he earns money !
I find it very clever so i just wanted to share his techniques with everyone else (if you can create brushes on photoshop).
But hey ! Even if you cant create brushes, you can share other stuff ! For example, take some mods for any game (minecraft, Skyrim, etc...) show them on YouTube (but you need the game publishers allowance !) and put some adfly links in the description. Easy as that !

Hope it helped !

Google Adsense tips

Google's Adsense Program

Here are some tips on getting approuved by Google Adsense :

What to do to get approved quickly :
1) Make a neat and clean website with content.
2) Make sure website has navigation.
3) There should be some traffic to your website.
4) Website is registered on your name.

What not to do :
1) Do not apply when your website is under construction.
2) Do not apply with a site that has content that doesn’t match google policy.

Hope it helped !
- ScoopTheWhoop

Youtube Partnership !


Why would you want to become a YouTube partner?

More traffic. Your videos will be shown higher in the YouTube search engine and will also be shown in the “featured videos” spot.
Monetization.  Google will start serving ads on your videos and pay you for each 1000 impressions.

What do you need to become a Youtube partner?

  • Authentic and high Quality videos.  Also the music you use must be authentic too, so no more Eminem songs… sorry.
  • Few popular videos with at least 100.000 views
  • At least 10.000 channel views
  • You must consistently create new videos while preserving the same quality.
  • You are a resident in one of the 19 countries where YouTube has local sites.

How much will you earn?

There are only rumors for this one…
Most people say that it is around $2 (the minimum) for each 1000 views to your videos. This means that you will earn $2000 for 100.000 video views.
If you get 1 million views per year, that is $20.000. With 10 million you will earn $200.000 which is better than most jobs out there

Im still waiting to become a partner, but i hope these tips helped you guys !

- ScoopTheWhoop

My YouTube channel !

Did you know that i have a YouTube channel ? Here's a link : http://www.youtube.com/ScoopTheWhoop

I might start giving tips about how to become a bit better at YouTube, although im not famous.
Stay tuned for other tips and tricks !

- ScoopTheWhoop


Here are the adfly tips !

Adf.ly tip and trick - these are the ADFLY'S tips and tricks I use to get people click on my Adfly links which earns me about $180 per day. But make sure what you are directing them to is what they might have a high interest in.
FACEBOOK'S ADFLY TRICK : I have about 20,000 fans on my page on facebook and two facebook accounts with about 10,000 friends, so whenever I have an interesting product to direct them to or a website with an interesting article that might interest them, I copy the website address and shrink it at Adfly, then copy the shrinked link and paste it on my facebook's fan page and on my two facebook accounts wall with a descriptive short note attached to it urging them to click it and visit the product's website. People who are interested in the product always rush to click the link and visit the website which earns me money each time somebody clicks on it to visit. Adf.ly pays you more than $4.00 per 1000 clicks on your shrinked or shorten link. So when about 30,000 people on my facebook's fan page and friends from my two facebook accounts click on my short link i make up to $120. I also use ADFOCUS, another website which is similar to Adfly to double that amount, however Facebook has banned and blocked Adf.ly link on their website but i still outsmart them and post my links. How it works : After shrinking or shortening my link at Adfly, i copy it and then go to nulrefer.com and click the cloak option box then paste the link in the box and click generate, then copy the generated link which cannot be blocked again by facebook and paste it on my facebook fan page wall and my profile wall with an attractive short note directing people to click on it and visit the website i want them to visit. But it's better to use this trick on your referral link alone to avoid ban. You can use Adfocus, klyso, ityim etc on facebook because they are accepted.
Write an attractive but highly exagerated note directing people to click on your link eg: 'buy a car with just $10.00, click and visit from here: http://adfoc.us/126101' This is highly recommended if you want to earn big with Adfly. I easily earn more than $45.00 on twitter by applying this tip.
Whenever you upload a video on youtube, shorten the downloading link in Adf.ly's shrinker, then paste it on your youtube account and earn money each time someone clicks and downloads the video. You can make more than $300 per day on youtube alone if you have a very popular and interesting video that can attract a large number of people.
Put the exagerated short note in your forum signatures, this will make people to click on it each time you commented on the forum's post. However I earn little ($18.00 or less $15.00)on forums because I don't have much time to comment on posts.
you can also visit other social network websites wherever you find a large number of people interested in a particular topic, search that topic on google then copy the website link and shrink it at Adfly then copy and paste the link on the social network website and direct the people to click the link and visit the website for their favourite topic. The more they click on the link the more money you make!

Adfly tips !

So you got an adfly account but you just cant get it started ? You would love to have loads of Traffic, but nobody seems to want to look at your links ?
Feer no more, cause im going to share a few tips with you guys :)


Welcome to my new blog !

Hello everyone ! Welcome to my new blog !

So on this blog, i want to give some tips on how to do stuff really easily !
For example, how to get your adfly account going, or how to get good at gaming :)
All these little tuts are going to be on my blog : Online Tips&Tricks !
